Name | Mekton Zeta + |
Artikelnummer | RTGMK1402 |
EAN / ISBN | 0937279609 |
Mehrwertsteuersatz | 7% |
Sprache | englisch |
Erscheinungstermin | |
Erstverkaufstag | |
Hersteller | R. Talsorian Games, Inc. 13847 70th Ave. NE 98034-5002 Kirkland, WA USA https://rtalsoriangames.com/contact-us/ |
Einführer | burst Spiele GmbH Maybachstraße 5 71088 Holzgerlingen Deutschland www.burstspiele.de |
Now the original anime mecha roleplaying game gets even better with custom designed weaponry, remote drones, AI controlled mecha, combiners, excessive scale starships, power armor, techno-organic bioweapons, command arnmor, psionic mecha combat, anti gravity, super deformed mecha, sexy androids and bad Japanenglish! All in Mekton Zeta Plus; the ultimate giant robot building expansion! Because you can't have too much of a good thing.
Mekton Zeta Plus
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