NameFallout: Wasteland Warfare - Creatures - Gatorclaw
article numberMUH0190044
EAN / ISBN5060523345991
Release date08.03.2024
On-sale date08.03.2024
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This miniatures set is part of the NUKA WORLD wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare! ‘Because clearly a Deathclaw wasn’t bad enough!’ When Old Dr McDermont had a cloning machine, he made a big mistake. By combining all the best aspects of the Jackson chameleon and the American alligator, he created one of the worst creatures to ever tear a Raider in half. Thankfully, he didn’t live long enough to see his voraciously hungry children break out of their home and out into the big wide world, sadly, because they ate him. Circle of life, I suppose.


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