NameFallout: Wasteland Warfare - Creatures - Nukalurk King
article numberMUH0190027
EAN / ISBN5060523346073
Release date30.01.2024
On-sale date30.01.2024
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This miniatures set is part of the NUKA WORLD wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare! ‘A hail of gunfire for the king, baby.’ Of the Nukalurk Royal Family, the King is the least imposing, but far from the least dangerous. Far more agile than his blushing bride, the King possesses a bestial intelligence and a domineering will that allows him to keep his queen’s progeny in check. Though they tend to let the more common Nukalurks deal with the messy work of catching and eviscerating their prey, the Kings are more than capable of supporting them from range with a sonic scream that can turn your brain to jelly and melt out of your ears. Makes you feel for misbehaving Nukalurk hatchlings, my dad couldn’t scream like that and my ears still hurt.


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