NameSorcerer Kings: Rajakur
article numberPBWSK102
EAN / ISBN5213009016650
Release date05.04.2024
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Well equipped, thoroughly trained and highly motivated, the Rajakur infantry are the backbone of the Enclaves’ military might. Clad from head to toe in heavy chain, bearing finely crafted shields and maces, the Rajakur infantry can be trusted to hold their ground against all comers. _x001E_Their loyalty and professionalism are heavily rewarded, allowing veterans of two enlistments to move on to a wealthy land_x0002_owning retirement, a privilege reserved only for those who have served in the army. How they Play: Numerous, violent and expendable, the Ghols rush ahead of the main Army to drive skirmishers and Enemy Light Regiment off Objective Zones and hold off Enemy advances until the main bulk of the Army gets in position. Being elemental troops they can act as spellcasting conduits for their Sorcerous lords.


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