NameOld Dominion Fallen Pantheon 2000pt Army
article numberPBW1045
EAN / ISBN5213009017206
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Our Old Dominion Fallen Pantheon 2000 pt Army is ready for tournament action with great miniatures ready to take the table by storm! 1 miniature of the Xilliarch, Hierodeacon, and Fallen Divinity; 1 set each of Legionnaires, Hierodeacon, Kanephors, Karaytids, Buccephaloi and 2 sets of Varangian and Praetorian Guard make up this 2000 pt army. 84 miniatures in all! Includes a printed rule book for both The Last Argument of Kings and First Blood. You can always build your own combination by using our Free Companion App based Army Builder! How do the Old Dominion play? The Old Dominion is an elite, defensive army that gets more powerful the more casualties it suffers. Combined with sturdy infantry and powerful supporting Cavalry and Brutes, this makes a very unique army whose power increases as the troop count decreases. Old Dominion armies generally play slower, wanting to grind down their enemy while getting stronger themselves until the enemy just cannot handle them any longer and break allowing the ever advancing forces of the Old Dominion push their way through. The Old Dominion armies can also take a Fallen Divinity, which changes how their army plays, as this monstrous centerpiece takes power from your army to enhance itself into a massive apparition of death that sweeps across the battlefield. Read more about the Old Dominion here -