NameDUNE "Ecaz & Moritani" Expansion - English
EAN / ISBN9781638840886
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House Ecaz: House Ecaz is ruled by Archduke Armand Ecaz, who is well respected in the Landsraad and keen to strengthen his standing by forging lasting alliances. House Moritani: Led by the ruthless and cunning Viscount Hundro Moritani, the Moritanis did not hesitate to use terror tactics to conquer their enemies, resorting to assassination, sneak attacks, and sabotage. This expansion adds House Ecaz and House Moritani, to DUNE: A Game of Conquest, Diplomacy & Betrayal. New Game Mechanics: Homeworlds: These allow you to conduct raids on the homeworlds of other factions and destroy their spice stockpiles. Nexus Cards: Nexus cards provide players with incentives and special effects for not joining an alliance. Discovery Tokens: These add new elements to the game on sections of the board that are often bypassed and don’t see much action.


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