NameSeven Sinners
article numberMPS10011
EAN / ISBN9791280109224
Release date31.05.2023
On-sale date31.05.2023
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Seven Sacred Virtues, Seven Times Subverted. Seven Cults, Seven Deadly Sins. Seven Kings, Seven Crowns. Seven Times Damned! Seven Sinners describes a temptingly corrupt vision that brings to life the embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins, and presents them as demonic opponents and their minions to infest your game world. Seven Sinners is a collection of Cultists, Demons and Relics compatible with the 1st Edition (OSRIC) and 5th Edition of the world’s most famous role-playing game. 92 full-colour pages. US letter size (215.9×279.4 mm) hardcover book. Inside Seven Sinners, you will be faced with:


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