NameMONSTERPOCALYPSE— Zeerox —Collaborator Monster (Resin)
article numberPIP51205
EAN / ISBN875582029370 
Release dateMai 2023
On-sale date25.05.2023
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Over 100 meters long, and weighing in at a whopping 50,000 metric tons, this Gene Hunter is a terrifying sight to behold. From maw to tail and made of unknown parts, Zeerox is covered in eye stalks that constantly evaluate the battlefield, waiting for a glimpse of the inner workings of another kaiju. This monster can play Copycat with other monsters, mimicking their looks and abilities, as well imprinting other monsters permanently into its own DNA. Further, Zeerox can Polymorph into monsters that it has memorized in a bright flash of cosmic energy. No one knows what motivates Zeerox, but one thing is for certain: it does not discriminate good from evil. It only knows its ceaseless drive to find more kaiju to imprint into its genetic memory banks.


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