NameWARMACHINE MKIV — Dusk House Kallyss Hazaroth, Narcissar of Ruin Warcaster (Resin) 
article numberPIP27003
EAN / ISBN875582029417 
Release dateMai 2023
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Hazaroth is amongst those ancient eldritch who have long existed in the shadows of Iosan society. An immense creature of death and filled with selfish pride, Hazaroth ventured from the darkness not to seek redemption or the betterment of his people but instead to find power in the opportunities arising in the wake of the fall of the gods. He is mockingly called the Narcissar of Ruin by his compatriots, who see his nature as well as his enormous stature for what they are and who are willing to utilize the undying necromancer as another weapon in their grim arsenal.


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