NameCity States: Agema
article numberPBWCS104
EAN / ISBN5213009015134
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Agema are, without a doubt, the best fighters available to a City States commander. They are invariably the personal guard of rules, tyrants and council members alike. Armed, armored and augumented to the highest standards that a ruler can afford, the notion of failure or defeat is anathema to these elite soldiers, who are trained to fight and win on any battlefield under any circumstance. How they Play: Agema are veterans and the finest warriors selected from the ranks of the Thorakites. They retain the same mobility and flexibility whilst sporting upgraded stats, at a price. Place Agema in your Strategic Stack and combine their activation with a withdrawing Hoplites/Phalangites Regiment. Where the Hoplites/Phalangites withdraw the Agema may immediately take advantage charging through gaps in the enemy lines!


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