NameEpic Encounters: Barrow of the Corpse Crawler
article numberSFGEE014
EAN / ISBN5060453695999
Release date
On-sale date10.06.2022
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Compatible with fifth edition or any fantasy roleplaying game, Hive of the Ghoul-kin pits players against a horde of flesh-eating fiends, before Barrow of the Corpse Crawler sees them go toe-to-toe with an enormous flesh-eating worm.

Inside each box is everything players need to run a truly epic encounter. The sets can be run as a one-shot encounter or as part of an existing roleplaying campaign. Players can even combine the two sets for a terrifying subterranean campaign against the terrors beneath the earth…

Barrow of the Corpse Crawler

Gargantuan Corpse Crawler miniature (100mm base!)
Double-sided game mat
Adventure book crammed with useful content for DMs and players


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