NamePathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults (P2)
article numberPZO2033
EAN / ISBN9781640784109
Release date27.04.2022
On-sale date27.04.2022
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A fleet of warships invades the Weydana system, and the PCs must launch their own armada to withstand the attack! When Watcher Krulveth, the leader of the invading forces, wishes to speak to the PCs in person, they must decide whether to meet her in good faith or expect an ambush. But stopping Krulveth and her armada doesn’t mean the system is completely safe. A wandering pulsar approaches, and with it, an uncaring extraplanar entity that floods the system with deadly radiation. Every living person in the Weydana system counts on the PCs to protect them from this terrible threat!


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