NameDervish, Vanguard, Mollock Brute – Monsterpocalypse Destroyers Alternate Elite Units (metal)
EAN / ISBN875582028540
ErscheinungsterminFebruar 2022
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The only thing more terrifying than a whirling axis of sharp edges and pointed tips is a bigger, angrier, and more effective whirling fan of death. The momentum of Dervish strikes can fell even the largest adversary in one savage attack.

Martian Menace attack formations have a command ship for every class of ship, and the larger the invading force, the greater that command’s presence. Each is equipped with a targeting matrix that feeds the squads of Vanguard information directly from the Martian fleet command.

Mollock brutes live up to their names with savage brutality. The largest and most terrifying among them often command the smaller ones, “teaching” them the Subterran assault patterns that ravage enemies who think they’re dealing with a lesser intelligence, only to find out too late they are not.


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