NameBomber Ape, Stalker, Shrieker – Monsterpocalypse Protectors Alternate Elite Units (metal)
article numberPIP51171
EAN / ISBN875582028533
Release dateFebruar 2022
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The Ape Bomber takes the cake as one of the most terrifying of the giant apes to behold. And while carrying a bomb with your feet is not a job with a high-life expectancy, the few that survive to become silverbacks are given the highest honors and even bigger bombs to carry.

Stalkers train relentlessly within the Draken Armada to master complex aerial maneuvers, allowing them to always find the best vector to attack an objective. Stalker wing leaders are ace fighters, capable of stalking prey no matter where they hide.

Some of the most prolific serum users in the Legion become saturated by their serum over time, and so with each dose, a Legion Striker gets stronger and more adept at its dance of death.


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