NameIndex Card RPG Master Edition
article numberMUH052433
EAN / ISBN9781802810165
Release date01.12.2021
On-sale date01.12.2021
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Indie hit Index Card RPG and its much anticipated new ‘Master Edition’ has slowly built a die-hard following of DIY RPG creators and players over the past 5 years. Until now, it has been found in 3 hardcopy books and numerous PDF's published by its creator, Runehammer, via DriveThruRPG. This newest edition, the MASTER EDITION, combines ICRPG's numerous worlds, streamlined D20 rules and critically acclaimed GM know-how all in one high quality hardback, all revised and updated with its latest playtest data, gathered from players all over the world. For the first time this edition will be available to fans across the world through their friendly local gaming stores. - Sewn Hardback with spot colour interior - 400 pages of straight-to-table D20-based tools, monsters, equipment and tidbits to hack into any system or style - Five complete worlds: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Weird West, Ice Age and Superheroes - A massive collection of D100 loot tables, monster creation tables, and more - A critically acclaimed, nuts and bolts GM section that transcends systems. - Includes 4 years of print-cut-fold miniatures in one enormous PDF. All the weird style you expect from Runehammer, is a fast-to-table format. Also check out for a HUGE and FREE collection of VTT tokens and tidbits from over the years.

As a special bonus Runehammer is now offering 100% FREE access to their custom built, lightweight, easy-to-use VIRTUAL TABLE TABLETOP. This VTT software has been built for Runehammer users worldwide, with a unique, super-simple feature set that leaves grids and menus behind for drag-and-drop game mastering with global players. Read all about the VTT features here: To login, use any PATREON login, even if you don't subscribe to any creators. RHVTT uses Patreon to create perfectly secure logins for your protection and privacy. Join here:


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