NameBlade Revenants and Hurling Swarms – Monsterpocalypse Necroscourge Units (metal)
EAN / ISBN875582028335
ErscheinungsterminOktober 2021
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The Blade Revenants and Hurling Swarms of the Necroscourge exemplify the nature of those transformed by the swarm of nanites. Blade Revenants act as aggressive frontline troopers that initiate the process of recycling all living matter for the might of the Necroscourge. Once granted sufficient energy, Hurling Swarms are then created from the revenants’ bodies. These swarms are the true workhorses in the process of repurposing living creatures, causing a cascading reaction that produces more and more undead.

TRADE POINTS: Blade Revenants are the fast shock troopers of the Necroscourge. Inside their bodies, they hold a host of Necroscourge nanites that they Transport around the battlefield. Once in place, they release the Hurling Swarm, a sentient hive of nanites, and the Hurling Swarms Repurpose dead enemies into more Necroscourge units. Necroscourge units near a Hurling Swarm can utilize its specialized nanites to Amalgamate enemies that fall prey them. The enemy will need to act fast before the swarms take over the entire map!


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