NameWarcaster Pendulum Prize Kit
article numberPIP99190
EAN / ISBN PIP99190 
Release dateOktober 2020
On-sale date
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The Forces of the Thousand Worlds have been set upon each other in brutal combat! Pendulum is the official Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika tournament support kit. This event will offer three different play modes; full-sized games, skirmish games, and escalation games. This lets the event organizer and players decide exactly what event will be best for them!

Each kit contains (1) permanent objective model and (6) warjack customization cards. Warjack customization cards include all the information for building your own warjack on one card—there will be two cards for each of the first three light warjack models.

Each kit contains enough material for any number of players to participate. The top player receives the permanent objective model and one warjack customization card. Two of the remaining warjack customization cards are rewards to 2nd and 3rd place and the last three are rewarded as the event organizer chooses.


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