NameDotar Sojat Era: John Carter of Mars
article numberMUH051466
EAN / ISBN9781912743193
Release dateAugust 2020
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Edgar Rice Burroughs’ John Carter of Mars: Dotar Sojat Era Supplemental Rulebook provides you with an in depth look at the Dotar Sojat era of play for the John Carter of Mars: Adventures on the Dying World of Barsoom roleplaying game.

Narrator advice on using the themes and tone of the era and the plots of A Princess of Mars to create exciting Dotar Sojat era campaigns.

New character options for red Martians, green Martians and Earthborn, including new pre-made talents, flaws, and expanded accolades and renown spends.

New narrator characters, those most beloved and despised of the era.

New strange technology, powers for your players to acquire and mysterious places of the Dotar Sojat era to explore, all packed with plot seeds to inspire narrators.

Expanded rules for airships and using them in battle, rules for designing and building your own vessel, and a selection of pre-made ships for player and narrator convenience.


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