NameWarcaster Aeternus Continuum Command Group Starter Set (metal)
article numberPIP84001
EAN / ISBN875582025990
Release dateAugust 2020
On-sale date
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Immortal Weaver (solo)

Marauder (solo)

Vassal Reavers (3-model squad)

Scourge A (light warjack)

Five white and five red Strike Dice, one D6

Four unit stat cards, five warjack weapon cards, twenty-four Cypher cards

Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika rulebook

The inscrutable Aeternus Continuum is a vast cult outlawed by both the Alliance and the Marcher Worlds. Primarily known and feared for their piracy, armed incursions, and violent abductions, few outsiders recognize the true scale or purposes of this shadowy organization. To those who face the Continuum in battle, they are savage and unpredictable combatants. They take from anyone weaker than them in order to fuel their war machine. And because of that, they are able to bring a significant military force to bear that belies their apparent numbers. And with Warcasters infamous for ruthless tactics and a wanton disregard for the lives of their own troops, tales of encounters with an Aeternus Continuum war-host have become the stuff of nightmares.

TRADE POINTS: The Aeternus Continuum Command Group Starter Set contains everything one player needs to begin battling across the Thousand Worlds of Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika.


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