NameDweghom: DragonSlayers
article numberPBW3305
EAN / ISBN5213009010849
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Clad in armor forged in a bygone age when dragon fire was the greatest threat to a warrior, every vulnerable part of a Dragonslayer is covered in alloys not seen since the breaking of the world. The weapons they bear were those used by their Ancestors to pierce the nigh invulnerable hides of the Elder Dragons. Forged from adamantine and now puenched in dragon blood, no mortal armor could hope to withstand a blow. Dragonslayers are entrusted with the greatest heirlooms of their Hold, weapons that are part of the living memory of their people’s greatest trial and triumph. Only the greatest of Thanes could hope to aspire to the rank of Dragonslayer, and no single Dweghom, not even the eldest Mnemancers, has the standing to recommend the elevation of a Thane to their ranks: they must rather be chosen by the unanimous acclaim of their peers; their valor and prowess so indisputable that even the greatest of the Dweghom warriors would not contest their ascendance to this elite force.


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