NameValin Hauke, The Fallen Knight – Infernal Cavalry Solo (metal/resin)
article numberPIP38001
EAN / ISBN875582024528
Release dateJuli 2019
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The most ardent adversaries of the infernals have long been the Morrowans, such as the soldiers of the Order of Illumination. Valin Hauke was once one of their champions, a knight who had sworn oaths to eradicate infernalism. A tragic series of events would lead to his undoing and rebirth. The world of light he once believed in has been revealed to be an illusion and the coming darkness as the true reality. Hauke no longer cares whether his victims are innocent or guilty, as he no longer believes in innocence.

TRADE POINTS: Valin Hauke is a powerful mounted solo that provides potent buffs to nearby Infernals. Tactician allows your models to move through each other to more easily manage your models’ placements. Brother’s Keeper prevents your nearby Infernals from being knocked down or made stationary. And when push comes to shove, he is a deadly combatant as well!


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