NameConcordance of Rivals
article numberPZO92114
EAN / ISBN9781640781276
Release date24.04.2019
On-sale date24.04.2019
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Help maintain the balance of the multiverse with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Concordance of Rivals! Just as the Book of the Damned and the Chronicle of the Righteous documented the fiendish and celestial realms and their denizens, Concordance of Rivals reveals the monitors, the neutral inhabitants of the multiverse, each seeking to maintain their influence over existence. Discover the powers and agendas of some of the greatest forces in the multiverse, pushing to enact order, sow chaos, or maintain balance. Learn about the ancient primal inevitables, the all-powerful psychopomp ushers, the ever-changing protean lords, or the mysterious and all-knowing Monad. Additionally, mortal champions might follow the ideals that exist beyond good or evil as members of the diverse monitor sects, gain the power of a monitor demigod, become conjurers of monitor allies, or use rare rituals known only to monitors. The battle for balance continues and you can join with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Concordance of Rivals!


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