NameD&D Dungeon Mayhem - english
article numberWOC785148
EAN / ISBN630509785148
Release date16.11.2018
On-sale date16.11.2018
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Dungeon Mayhem is a humorous D&D-themed card game for 2–4 players that is easy-to-learn, quick-to-play, and provides a family-friendly introduction to D&D classes and powers.
Players pick from one of four iconic classes—Barbarian, Paladin, Rogue, and Wizard—to overwhelm and outmaneuver opponents with mechanics and abilities unique to their class.
Games play out in a frenzied, draw-a-card-play-a-card format. Once a player drops from ten hit points to zero, they’re out. Last player standing wins!


Four 28-card decks
Four hit point trackers
Four symbol cards
Sixteen damage tokens
Four hit point tokens


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