NameMonsterpocalypse – Spitter & Task Master: Lords of Cthul Unit (metal/resin)
article numberPIP51011
EAN / ISBN875582023583
Release dateOktober 2018
On-sale date12.10.2018
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Spitter (4)

Task Master (1)

The slug-like monstrosities called spitters follow in the wake of the proper Lords of Cthul, emitting vile and toxic fluids to digest adversaries from a distance. They can also expel this fluid to extinguish flames, though they rarely have reason to limit the destruction around them.

Mighty as the Lords of Cthul may be, they sometimes deign to delegate the oversight of their conquered dominions to task masters, telekinetically powerful creatures who resemble Cthugrosh in miniature. This resemblance is no coincidence, as the killing might and cruelty of the task masters is terrifying to behold.


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