NameNorth Africa Village
article numberBA0100071
Release dateFebruar 2017
On-sale date
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With this set you will be able to set up a Mosque, a Minaret and a set of modular walls, that will give an incredible look to your game table.

All buildings contain the domes as an optional assembly

The Mosque and the Minaret are perfect as central elements of any Arabic or desert-themed game table. Due to their large size they can cover a lot of terrain, and consist of many coverage points, in addition its playable interior makes it ideal to keep the central objective of your game. The new North Africa Terrain range from Bandua Wargames, will allow you to create a new game environment for your tables in an easy, simple and at a very competitive price. These simple, easy-to-assemble buildings are perfect for 28-mm scale games, from historical games such as Bolt Action, Saga The Crusades or Deus Vult, to futuristic or fantasy games such as Warhammer 40K, Infinity, Kings Of War or Age Of Sigmar , Settling in an aesthetic of Arab town of North Africa or Middle East, very neutral but maintaining the necessary historical rigor, being able to be used in any era or setting. All the buildings are completely demountable, being able to play its interiors, and the different plants that compose it.


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