NamePaint diplay Lesmes 100
EAN / ISBN8435682700269
ErscheinungsterminMAI 2014
HerstellerBandua Wargames S.L.U
Rúa Castelao 28 Baixo B
27001 Lugo
Preise nur für Händler sichtbar.

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The new Lesmes series are designed to Vallejo cans, and like all Bandua products are designed and built with high quality MDF and resistance. With the Lesmes 100 model you can have tidy and always within your reach up to 100 Vallejo cans vertically, allowing thus have a large area of painting occupying a small space


Kunden, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, kauften auch folgendes:
Basing Glue
Plastic Frame Cutter
Self-healing Cutting mat
Strongbox - Black
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Asu 40K Template Yellow
Antitank Set
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N3 Silhouette Green
Desert Bases, Round 25mm (5)
Dice Bag Suedecloth (S) Red 4" x 5 1/2"
Opaque Polyhedral Black/red 7-Die Set