NameMercenary Tactical Arcanist Corp Unit (3) Blister
article numberPIP41102
Release date10.05.2013
On-sale date10.05.2013
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Taktisches Arkanisten-Korps (Rhulische Einheit)

The Tactical Arcanist Corps always work in threes. They undergo training and drilling together until they can meet and even exceed the exacting standards imposed by the Brand of Odom for Rhul?s elite battle mages. They defend those they are contracted to protect with scorching salvos of arcane fire, incinerating those that challenge them.
The Tactical Arcanist Corps unit comes in a blister (PIPĀ 41102). A player may field up to two Tactical Arcanists Corps units in a Cygnar, Khador, or Mercenary army.


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