NameMercenary Rocinante Character Heavy Warjack Upgrade Blister
article numberPIP41092
Release date11.01.2012
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Rocinante has served as the faithful companion for warcasters of the Damiano family for over a hundred years, and its gleaming armor is festooned with gilt scrollwork bearing such ancient family mottos as ?Blood Shines Gold.? In battle, the towering warjack hacks down foes with its massive battle blade or blasts them to pieces with its great cannon.   The Rocinante Character Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit comes in a blister (PIP 41092). The Rocinante Character Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit is NOT a complete model. Players will need a Mercenary Heavy Plastic Warjack Kit (PIP 41085) in addition to this kit. A player may field one Rocinante in a Mercenar.


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