NameSkorne Void Spirit Solo Blister
Erscheinungstermin25. Februar 2009
HerstellerPrivateer Press Inc.
21220 87th Ave. S.E.
WA 98072 Woodinville
Einführerburst Spiele GmbH
Maybachstraße 5
71088 Holzgerlingen
Preise nur für Händler sichtbar.

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Geist der Großen Leere
Void spirits are the disembodied specters of departed skorne which, through unnatural compulsion, come back to plague the living. They are never entirely at ease on Caen and thus flicker from one place to another as they fight, making them difficult to corner. Void spirits jealously clutch at the souls of those killed around them, seeking to subject others to the pain they have endured in the terrible Void. Void Spirit comes in a blister. A player may field up to two Void Spirits for each warlock in his Skorne horde. Deutsche und englische Karten Blister mit einer Figur.


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