NameJourneyman Lieutenant Allister Caine – Cygnar Solo (metal/resin) Blister
article numberPIP92043
EAN / ISBN875582023767
Release dateJanuar 2019
On-sale date18.01.2019
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Allister Caine was never an ordinary journeyman, for he had already earned both infamy and fame as a gunmage. As deadly with his pistols as he was stubborn and difficult to train, young Allister Caine chafed under instruction both as a youthful prodigy of the Arcane Tempest and while learning what was required of a Cygnaran warcaster at the Strategic Academy. He was never respectful to the warcasters he was assigned to follow, prone to sneaking off to follow his own instincts. Yet when battle began, he quickly proved his worth, wielding a magelock in each hand.
TRADE POINTS: As part of the fifteenth anniversary of WARMACHINE, several journeyman solos were released based off some of the most popular warcasters ever released. Representing the “Zero Version” of each warcaster, these solos show what each character looked and played like before they became the legends they are known as today. Much like his later iterations, Caine is an excellent gunmage and incredibly mobile. With spells that allow him to teleport to a warjack in his battlegroup (or vice versa), light warjacks with solid ranged weaponry such as the Charger (PIP 31089) or the Hunter (PIP 31027) are excellent additions to Caine’s battlegroup.


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