NameBlindwater Army Box
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THE QUICKEST AND EASIEST WAY TO STORM THE BATTLEFIELDS OF HORDES! The gatormen of Blindwater Lake are the core of a vast reptilian cult dedicated to its self-made deity, Bloody Barnabas. Once their leader, this ancient warrior and mystic elevated himself to godhood on a tide of bloodshed. As Barnabas basks in his glory, other powerful warlocks guide the Congregation from the shadows, assembling gatormen from across the region alongside the bog trogs and other swamp creatures subjugated into fighting alongside them in Barnabas’ name. Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned veteran taking up a new Faction, this Army Box contains everything you need to quickly field a complete and competitive army suitable for every battlefield engagement—from casual games at home to organized leagues and tournaments. This army box contains a complete 35-point army (using the Blindwater Congregation theme force) with the following models:


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