NamePathfinder Unchained
EAN / ISBN9781601257154
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Break your chains! The Pathfinder RPG contains numerous rules considered sacred by players and GMs alike. Since the system itself was based upon RPG "technology" already more than 10 years old at the time of its creation, "backwards compatibility" often meant sticking with the familiar, even if tradition was filled with cobwebs and decades- ld assumptions. Pathfinder Unchained dares to take a fresh look at the system itself, altering some of the fundamentals of the game and giving fresh optional takes on classic rules. Inside this 256-page hardcover collection of alternate rules and options you'll find completely redesigned versions of the barbarian, monk, rogue, and summoner classes. Delve into a new system for resolving player actions designed to speed play and dispel confusion. Many of the new systems (such as the revised classes) work seamlessly with the existing Pathfinder rules. Even the most staunchly traditionalist player will appreciate the book's math-lite system for onthe-fly monster creation and the new system for generating dynamic magic items that go far beyond a simple +1 to add lore and interest to the campaign. Players will love the book's new resource pool for martial characters, allowing for exciting new tactical options, as well as the robust new system that allows spellcasters to modify their spells with powerful spell components. Sales Points • The latest hardcover rulebook release for the smash-hit Pathfinder RPG! • New rules options like revised character classes address the most popular player requests and complaints about the Pathfinder rules. • The Pathfinder RPG is now the best-selling tabletop RPG on the market (ICv2). More than 100,000 gamers play in active Pathfinder RPG campaigns. Pathfinder’s monthly Adventure Path product enjoys more than 10,000 readers, making it the best-selling monthly print RPG product on the market.


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