NameZombies Keep Out: Night of the Noxious Dead Expansion
article numberPIP60010
Release date24.07.2014
On-sale date24.07.2014
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The goblin bodgers’ workshop is on the verge of being overrun by a teeming mob of zombies—and now foul Stinkers have joined the ranks of the shambling dead! The stench of these vile zombies is so strong it practically glows, forcing even other zombies to keep their distance. Luckily the bodgers have a stockpile of new parts to build canny new defense contraptions. That might be just what they need to make it through the night! You must have Zombies Keep Out (PIP 60008) in order to play. This box contains: 10 Contraption cards 15 Part cards 10 Terrible Things cards 15 Glow-in-the-dark Stinkers 1 Rules insert


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